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The library is undergoing construction for exterior maintenance with an expected project completion in spring 2025. During this time, only the main entrance and ADA ramp will remain open.
The library will be closing at March 10 – 14 and at 7p.m. March 15 for Spring Break. We will resume normal operating hours Sunday, March 16.


This History LibGuide connects you to academic and primary sources for historical research.

What are these sources?

These sites are recommended for historical research, and are selected for authority, accuracy, objectivity, coverage, and currency. They do not include the article databases available through Olin Library subscription.

Web Portals (large collections with links to other pages)

Chicago Citation Guides

The History Department uses the citation style from the Chicago Manual of Style. The following sources document how to use this format.

Your Librarian

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Rachel Walton
Olin 122
(407) 691-1127