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The library is undergoing construction for exterior maintenance with an expected project completion in spring 2025. During this time, only the main entrance and ADA ramp will remain open.
The library will be closing at March 10 – 14 and at 7p.m. March 15 for Spring Break. We will resume normal operating hours Sunday, March 16.

HON 201: Immigrant Experiences in the United States: Find Reference Resources

Dr. Strom and Dr. Chong Fall 2013

What are these sources?

Refence books can be found on the main floor of Olin, to the right when you enter. They cannot be checked out, but that means they are almost always available, and they can be copied.

Reference sources are a good place either to retrieve facts and numerical data, or to get an overview of a topic in a few paragraphs or a few pages. Looking up a topic in a reference book is an excellent way to familiarize yourself with the key concepts, terminology, and people associated with the topic. This background is important both for understanding a topic and for searching effectively in online databases for articles and books. In addition, many reference works provide carefully selected bibliographies which may lead you to further reading.

Online Reference

Reference Books on Immigration

The following are just a few examples of the reference books available which might be particularly useful for your class. Similar books might be found nearby under similar call numbers. They can be found on the second (main entry) floor of the library.

Your Librarian

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Bill Svitavsky
Olin 236
(407) 646-2679