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The Olin Library is undergoing construction for exterior maintenance. During this time, both the main entrance and ADA ramp will remain open. All other entrances and exits will be closed and the parking lot directly behind will be offline. The expected project completion is in spring 2025.

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Found a book not in our collection? No problem! You can easily request it from another library. Have as much of the book information as possible, then login with your FoxID and Password.

Interlibrary Loan

If the Olin Library does not have access to an article, book, or film, we can attempt to get it through Interlibrary Loan from another library.

Books and films are delivered to the library for you to pick up at the Circulation and Information Desk, and articles are delivered to you electronically in .pdf format. Read the Interlibrary Loan guide to learn more.

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Your ILL login is your regular FoxID and password.

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Google Scholar Search

You can search millions of books, magazines, and newspapers digitized through the Google Books project with varying levels of access depending on copyright status and publisher permissions. Best used for electronic access to books in the public domain.

Remember to update the Google Scholar preferences on your computer so that you can see Rollins full text.

Google Scholar Search

WorldCat Local Search

Search Olin and other libraries worldwide with Worldcat Local:

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