The Archives and Special Collections provides assistance to all College departments and offices to help them efficiently manage institutional records, including records consultations, management and transfers. This is important because well-managed records are an asset to the College, while unmanaged records are a liability.
To request a consultation, please contact the Archives.
Records Management is the field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, use and disposition of records.
Records are not only paper documents. They include any recorded information, regardless of medium or characteristics, created, received, and maintained by an organization or person. This includes photographs, audio and video recordings, and College or departmental publications.
All records of enduring value, when no longer in current use in the department or office to which they pertain, should be transferred to the Archives. Collecting these records (both paper and electronic) allows us to document the development and growth of the College, including its functions of teaching and research, its role in the community at large, the activities of its faculty, student body and alumni, and the development of its built environment and landscape of the campus.
Archives staff are available by appointment to work with departments and offices to:
The Archives maintains a General Records Retention Schedule to ensure that
The General Records Retention Schedule may be supplemented by department- or office-specific schedules as needed and is only available to Rollins community members who sign in.
In addition, the College administers several policies relevant to records management. You will need to login with your FoxID to view these resources:
To begin a records transfer, read our instructions and guidelines on what can be transferred to the Archives.
Read Procedures →