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The library is undergoing construction for exterior maintenance with an expected project completion in spring 2025. During this time, only the main entrance and ADA ramp will remain open.
The library will be closing at March 10 – 14 and at 7p.m. March 15 for Spring Break. We will resume normal operating hours Sunday, March 16.


This History LibGuide connects you to academic and primary sources for historical research.

What are these sources?

This page recommends sources likely to be of particular use for HIS 141: African-American History II. This is not a complete list. The databases here are those most likely to yield relevant results, but others might have a few relevant materials; similar books might be found nearby under similar call numbers, or with a search in the online catalog.

The books listed here will be found in several different places. The call numbers organize books by their subject matter, but aren't enough by themselves to tell you in what part of the library you'll find the item.

  • If there's no special description on this page, the book will be found in the general collection, located on the 3rd and 4th floors of Olin.
  • If the location says Reference, it will be found on the 2nd (main entrance) floor of Olin.
  • Online books can be read by following the links on this page.


Florida Newspaper Archives

Other Primary Resources for Your Projects

Primary sources will be central to your Mapping Rosenwald Schools and History Engine entries for this class. In addition to the sources on this page, many collections of these resources can be found under the Primary Sources and Local History tabs above. The Government Resources Subject Guide might also be useful for you - especially the State and Local Sources tab.

Freely Available Web Resources

Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Rachel Walton
Olin 122
(407) 691-1127