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‎ Political Science

Useful resources for politics, political science, and public policy


The Research Paper: This seminar requires students submit research papers. The final papers should try to engage in original research which means that students use primary documents and analyze empirical data.  Papers which only repeat or describe what other analysts have explained will earn a C grade at best. Given the focus upon original contributions, students should select topics in which primary documents and/or collected empirical information are available.  

The research proposal due on March 24 must:

  • State the thesis (this probably will change, but make an attempt) and/or research question and its significance (about half a page)
  • Offer an initial, brief review of the literature (about a page)
  • Identify in an annotated bibliography the primary sources to be tapped for factual information and data (about half a page).

The proposal must be typed, double-spaced and include a preliminary reference page.

Annotated Bibliography

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Suggested Journals


International Organization  

Washington Quarterly

International Studies Review

Journal of Democracy

World Politics

Global Governance

International Security 

The National Interest

International Studies Perspective 

Human Rights Quarterly

Foreign Affairs 

European Journal of International Relations
