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rFLA 100: Invisible Children & American Schools


Advocacy Paper

You will write a paper that advocates for a certain group of “invisible children” whom you have investigated.  There are 3 sections to the paper:

  1. You will describe the general educational and social context for this group of students (taking into account the great amount of intra-group diversity).  What are some educational challenges that the students often face?  What are some social and economic challenges that their families face?  Use accurate and up-to-date data for this section. 

  1. Then, you will describe and analyze one educational initiative that has been developed to help the students in this group.

  1. Finally, you will state your recommendations for what educators can do to improve the students’ formal learning experiences.  You may focus on educational policy, programs, or practices. 

  1. At the end of the paper, following your Reference section, you will need to provide a short rationale for why you chose each source that you used in the paper.

Topic Statement:  This document identifies the group of children whom you will learn about, why you want to learn about them, and several sources of information that will guide your learning and writing. The Topic Statement will be returned. There are no points for this assignment.

First Draft:  It should be at least 8 pages long, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins and 12-point font. The paper will be returned. This draft is worth 5 points.

Final Draft: This final draft is worth 25 points.

Note:  You will receive substantial written feedback on the first draft of this paper. If my comments seem insufficient or unclear, you may talk with me about what is needed. I welcome appointments to talk about your writing at any time during the semester, in person or online.


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