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Action Researches (18 points)

Choose three of the following to write research papers (1250-1500 words, double space, 12cpi, Times New Roman is good).

  1. What assistance is available to people with disabilities in your area? Locate a local, state, or federal agency that provides protection, advocacy, and care or employment to children, youth, or adults with disabilities (3 points). Learn extensively about that organization, and arrange for a field or virtual site visit; the outcome should be a better understanding of how American societal infrastructure supports identified needs (3 points).  (7/16)
  2. In our media, are all races and ethnicities portrayed similarly? Are disabled persons featured proportionally to their numbers? Are both men and women featured and are their images treated equally? Conduct a mini-research project in which you select a number of weeks of a daily publication, such as your regional newspaper; a number of months of a specific magazine; or a number of hours of a single channel of television programming. From the advertisements presented, tally ratios of able to disabled persons featured, men vs. women, how many different ethnic groups, and/or how many races you see regularly. Chart your information as specifically as possible (4 points). Develop a final page in which you draw conclusions regarding the equality of representation in our media of people with disabilities, men and women, major ethnic groups, and races (2 points). (7/21)
  3. What are the costs of living in your area? Investigate what dollar amount is considered poverty level in your state. Add $1,000. Collect data from reliable, experience sources to establish a monthly budge to meet costs of living for a family of four. Include accurate monthly costs for one year; include housing, utilities, food, clothing, school attendance (1 child), childcare (1 baby/toddler), medical expenses, insurance and licenses, and entertainment. Adjust amounts to meet available funds (4 points). Consider what other expenses should be included that funds cannot accommodate (2 points). (7/23)
  4. How do immigrants to America learn English and the mainstream culture? Conduct your own research into how many ways immigrants to your community or region can learn to master the English language or customs. Discover if any area communities or local school districts conduct programs for the benefit of people newly arrived to the United States. Consider investigating into the following aspects of the selected 2-3 local ESOL language programs: 1) The history and missions of the organizations offering the language programs to immigrants (Who founded the organization or institution in which year for what purposes?) 2) Curriculum: a. differentiated language courses offered to students with different levels of English proficiency; b. course schedules (Are the schedules flexible enough for those with part or full time jobs? Any transportation provided?); c. types of courses: online or/and traditional face to face class meetings; the option of individual tutoring; class size; d. any other courses offered besides language courses: vocational training; courses on important life or/and work skills such as computer and citizenship courses. 3) Teaching staff: any qualification requirements; any required training or orientation before teaching the language courses? 4) Students: children or/and adults? Grade levels? Age ranges? 5) Cost: any tuition fee or/and other fees? 6) Results/impacts: evidences of the program effectiveness including personal testimony from former or/and current program students (4 points). Create a letter to the editor of your local newspaper reporting positive results of any program about which you learn (2 points). (7/28) (REQUIRED for Education majors & minors)
  5. Attend an event/activity where English is not the primary language. How did you feel in the environment? Were you confused at all? When did you feel most included/ignored? Share your experiences by telling about the event/activity, who was in attendance (people who already knew each other/strangers), and the emotions/senses you experienced (4 points). Explain why you believe you had these feelings. In addition to your perceptions and feelings, compare and contrast your experience to that of an ESOL child entering your class on their first day at a school (2 points). (8/4)
  6. Are boys acculturated differently than girls? Visit a toy store or examine a wide range of greeting cards for boys and girls. From the products marketed, how are girls encouraged or expected to act? What are they expected to like to see or do? Do boys’ toys or greeting cards encourage similar skills, interests, and attention (4 points)? Make a list of at least 10 ways in which boys are culturally encouraged to behave differently from girls (2 points). (8/6)
  7. How much do you know about other religions? Conduct your own Internet research about what are the fundamental religious beliefs of a major non-Judeo-Christian religion (Hinduism, Islam, or Buddhism) (2 points). Then, verify your research by visiting virtually a local Hindu temple, Muslim mosque, or Buddhist center on its website. Attend virtual services offered by the website if available. During the virtual visit pay close attention to your sense and your feelings. Were you comfortable or uncomfortable?  How does it reflect a cultural heritage as well as a religious identity? What did people do in the virtual services that appeared different? What did you learn about the religion? How did you feel during the experience and why? (4 points) (8/13)


Cultural Artifacts Project

Artifacts are physical representations of beliefs, customs, values, or rituals within a culture or religion. All cultures have artifacts that represent core beliefs and customs. Some examples of artifacts include: a cross, a menorah, a picture or statue of Mother Mary or Buddha, a tartan cloth, a flag, a food, clothing, or any other symbol from any cultural tradition, ceremony, or daily life.

This research project is an opportunity to research artifacts from another culture. You will research the meaning behind/use of these objects within a culture, and the historical significance of this artifact in relation to any cultural beliefs/traditions.

Work in pairs to choose a culture or religion that you know little about and research to learn more. Identify one topic/theme within this culture or religion to learn more about. Then, select two artifacts that represent this topic/theme within that culture to focus your research. Do not include everything that you learn about this culture, but instead focus your discussion around the artifacts, what each represents, the history, and its significance/use within the culture.

Here is an example on how to go about completing the project. A religion that I'm curious to learn more about is Hinduism. So, I would set out to read and learn more about this religion, then find particular celebration/tradition within the religion and a symbol/cultural artifact that is part of this tradition. I found the symbol of Ganesha; Ganesha is a representation within the Hindu religion that symbolizes a remover of obstacles, to help life flow smoothly. It is an image of an elephant holding several objects that also have symbolic meanings. I might include a picture of Ganesha to share with others and label the symbols. One interesting fact that I learned that it is a common misunderstanding about this religion is that they don't worship idols or believe in multiple gods; they believe in one God, but this is represented in many different ways. The image of Ganesha is just one of those many ways to see God. To be certain that this information is correct, I would check my different sources and confirm that this is the correct interpretation and learn more about Ganesha, including any celebrations that Ganesha might be included in or special ceremonies. I would write this, along with other related information, into my paper and share with the class.

Paper & Presentation (Due on August 13)

In this 1250-1500 word paper, you need have a minimum of 6 academic-quality sources including at least 2 books and 2 peer-reviewed articles. The required writing style is APA.  

We will share our cultural artifact projects in class. Think about an engaging way to share your information during the cultural celebration. Perhaps you would like to bring in a food to share, dress in the clothing of one of the cultures, prepare visuals, have classmates participate in a short dance or game, or bring a sample of music. The cultural presentation will consist of each pair displaying the cultural artifacts and summarizing important key points. Each presentation should be 6-8 minutes.

Be Careful!

We want to avoid perpetuating stereotypes through this project or just scratching the surface of understanding. You are expected to move beyond superficial understanding and uncover the true meanings and different views about the artifacts. 

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