Communication Application Paper Assignment
For this paper, you should select a theory and apply it to a real-life communication situation that you either witnessed or experienced yourself (it cannot be from a movie, TV-show, etc.).
In 3-4 double spaced pages, students should do the following:
Part 1: Describe a real-life situation, observation, or communication phenomenon you experienced.
Part 2: Explain the theory (with citations/references to at least 2 journal articles).
Part 3: Combine the two by explaining how the theory applies to your experience/event.
- A reference page should be provided that cites the sources used for the theory in APA style.
- Use the template provided on Canvas. It is already formatted including spacing, font, headers, etc. Follow these steps: 1. Download the word document and save it to your desktop as .doc or .docx file; 2. Type your last name before the page number in the top right corner; 3. Start writing your paragraph below the respective header (or copy and paste from a previous document) where it says [enter text here] or [enter first reference here];
- For reference, take a look at the “student sample paper” from a previous student (uploaded under modules)