There are a series of search filters on the left side of your search results labelled "Tweak my results." These filters will allow you to narrow your search. This is particularly useful when a broad search returns hundreds or thousands of results.
There are two options in the Tweak my results menu that are worth mentioning before we discuss the filters:
You can activate a filter by clicking on the text of the filter, or by clicking the checkbox on the left of the filter and clicking the Apply Filters button. The latter option is useful if you'd like to apply multiple filters at once. This is assuming you want filtering to be inclusive. To exclude a filter, you can click the orange checkbox to the right of the filter.
A list of your Active Filters will appear at the top of the left filter menu, along with a few options:
Resource Type - there are many of these, including: book, article, maps, book chapters, videos, and several others.
Creation Date - the date that an item was created. This filter can be scoped by years, such as 1980-2000. If you put the same year in the from and to fields, it will search just that one year.
Subject - these are library subject headings that were discussed earlier in this guide. There are many possible subjects depending on your search.
Journal Title - you can filter results that only come from one or more specific journals.
Collection - many electronic items are curated by Olin library faculty and staff behind the scenes, and this filter shows what content belongs in what database. Useful for patrons if you want to only search products from a particular database (such as JSTOR) or vendor (such as ProQuest).
Language - if results are available in multiple languages, you can filter by language here.
Author/Creator - allows you to filter by particular authors or creators.
Library - In addition to print and online content (filtered as Olin Library in this filter), R-Search indexes several Olin Archives products:
Locations - for physical items available in the library, this tells you what floor and area the item can be found. Many items include a map showing their location.
There is an additional layer of filtering available that personalizes your results by discipline. If you click the personalize toggle at the top of the search results, R-Search will allow you to choose between 1-5 disciplines to tailor your search results. These disciplines are chosen by the system's vendor, so they are not customizable by Olin staff and do not necessarily map to Rollins programs or majors, but they still might be useful in narrowing a large search. Personalization will not be saved unless you are signed into R-Search.
R-Search also has the ability to search things that are not available from the dropdown menus in the advanced search feature. These searches can be conducted by altering some of the parameters in the URL after a search.
For example, an advanced article search for "geographic profiling" where we only search the abstracts of the articles could be done by adjusting the first parameter of the url.,contains,%22geographic%20profiling%22,[the rest of the URL]
becomes,contains,%22geographic%20profiling%22,[the rest of the URL]
Hit enter and the results should now only show articles where the phrase searched appears in the abstract of the articles.