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R-Search User Guide

This is a guide for using the library's Primo interface, sometimes known as R-Search or the library catalog. This system allows you to search nearly all of our resources in print and online.

The Search Results Page

After conducting your search, the items on the search results page are known as "brief records" - they should show you at a glance important information about each item in your search results so that you can skim them quickly.  Clicking on a brief record will usually take you to the detailed record, which will give you additional information and options.  We will discuss both below.

Brief Records

Brief Records - Books

The above record is for a print book.  The record number of where it appears in your search is in the upper right.  There is a cover image (not all books have one, but most do), an item type of book, the title, and the author and publication date. 

The status (available) shows that the book is on the shelf and can be checked out, and the physical location of the book and LC call number are also noted.  Other item statuses include: checked out, lost, missing, and in process.

You can click on the title, book cover, or availability statement to be taken to the full record (which is discussed later on this page).

The icons in the upper right allow you to do several things with the record.  From left to right: cite the item (which also allows you to print the record, get a permalink to the record, or export it to citation software), email the record to someone, or pin the record to your favorites.

Brief Records - Ebooks

Ebook brief records have the same features as regular books, but instead of an availability statement and a physical location, a link to read the book online is provided.

Brief Records - Articles

Article brief records have many of the same features of books with a few others.  Not every feature pictured above will be in every article brief record.
Underneath the title, you will see the publication information for the article (authors, journal, and date) and a snippet from the abstract or introduction.

The downward facing arrow in the upper right allows you to find sources cited in the article.  The upward pointing double arrow allows you to find sources that cite the article.  A highly cited article can be a sign of the article's popularity and impact.

The peer reviewed icon tells you that the article comes from a scholarly, peer reviewed source.  The open access icon means that the article is freely available online rather than being behind a paywall that would require you to login with your Rollins credentials or request it via ILL.

Some brief article records also directly link to the article on a website or to the article in PDF form.

Full text available means that the entire article is available rather than as a sample or abstract only.

Detailed Records

If you click on any link in your search results, it will take you to the detailed record for the item clicked.  Each type of item (book, article, et al) has some different information in the detailed record, but the information for each record is broken down into useful sections.

Send to - this has the same options in the brief record, including email, print, permalink, and citation.  

Get It - this section appears for books and other physical items.  The location(s), call number, and availability are displayed here.  If you are signed into R-Search, you can also find a request link here.

Get It - for articles and other digital the Get It section moves down the page and has three additional links: one for an open access search, one for ILL, and one to ask a librarian for help.

View It - items available online (including streaming video and articles) ill have this section.  Links to the full text appear here.  Some items are available from multiple sources.

Details - this section is full of details about the item, including full title, author(s), subjects, description, publisher, ISSN, and notes.

Links - even print items sometimes have content in this section, which includes external links to things like table of contents, abstracts, Google Books previews, and other content.

Virtual Browse - for physical items, this shows what books are next to the item on the shelf.  

Citations - for some articles, this section appears.  It will have links to sources cited in the article and/or sources that cite the article.