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The library is undergoing construction for exterior maintenance with an expected project completion in spring 2025. During this time, only the main entrance and ADA ramp will remain open.

R-Search User Guide

This is a guide for using the library's Primo interface, sometimes known as R-Search or the library catalog. This system allows you to search nearly all of our resources in print and online.

Signing into R-Search

If you use the sign in link in the upper right corner of R-Search, several options become available:

  • My Library Card
  • My Loans
  • My Requests
  • Saved Items
  • Search History

You will be prompted to login via Rollins Okta.

Library Card, Loans, & Requests

There are several useful account management features when you sign in to R-Search.


You can see the books you currently have checked out, and you can renew them by clicking the Renew link at the far right of the item (or select multiple items and renew them in bulk).

Historic Loans

By clicking the Active Loans link in the loans menu, you can toggle to previous and historic loans.  This will show you books you have checked out in the past, which is useful if you'd like to find a book again but don't remember the title.


If you've requested items, you can see them here, view the request status, and cancel a request that you no longer need.

Favorites & Saved Searches


If you have used the pin icon in R-Search, items added to your favorites are available for review when you are signed in.  You can curate your favorites and add tags to them.  In the image below, the user has added tags to the two books in his favorites.  You can see articles and any other items in your results, not just books.

Saved Searches

You can also save searches if you are signed in by using the pin icon at the top of a page of search results.  Saved searches are available for curation in your R-Search account just as saved items are.  The scopes and the date the search was saved are listed underneath each search.

There are additional useful features for saved searches.  Next to each saved search are three icons:  a pin for removing the search from your favorites, a bell, and a Wi-Fi signal.  The bell allows you to set up email alerts when new items appear in a saved search.  The Wi-Fi icon allows you to create an RSS feed of a search for embedding in a website or Canvas.

One other feature of saved search management in your account is the ability to see your search history and delete it if you'd like.

Misc. Features

There are a few other features worth noting in R-Search.

QR Code Generation

There is a persistent QR code icon at the top of the R-Search page.  If you click this after performing a search, a QR code is generated that links to the search.

Language Support

Whether you are logged in or not, you can switch the R-Search user interface from English to another language.  There are currently eight languages available (and two dialects).  If you would like to request a new language option be added, you can email  If you are signed in, you can permanently set your default language preference in your account menu.

Voice Search

A voice search is available by clicking the microphone icon on the right side of the search bar.  R-Search's voice to text feature will populate the search and run it for you without the need for you to type.