Your Works Cited will be a complete list of all sources used in your paper or project. Remember that the complete citation entries act like addresses for your sources. Below you will find templates for several common types of sources, but please consult MLA: Works Cited for additional information.
Book with one author:
LastName, FirstName. Title. Publisher, YEAR.
Journal article:
LastName, FirstName. "Title of Article." Title of Journal, vol. #, no. #, YEAR, pp. #-#.
Chapter in an edited collection:
LastName, FirstName. "Title of Chapter." Title of Collection, edited by Editor(s) FirstName LastName, Publisher, YEAR, pp. #-#.
Do I really need to pay attention to little details like where the commas and periods go?
YES! Although it can be tedious, it is very important that you adhere to the formatting rules exactly (including punctuation and capitalization) in order to correctly cite your sources.