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× Starting summer 2024, we will be focusing on improving our research guides for a better seamless user experience. During this time, you may notice website and structural updates to all existing pages. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

‎ Art & Art History: Find Articles

The Art & Art History LibGuide connects you to resources on art, architecture, art history, design, photography, and related areas.

Art History Journals

Art History Journals:

  • Art History
  • Art Bulletin
  • The Burlington Magazine
  • Art Journal

Regional Art History Journals:

  • Artibus Asie
  • Asian Art
  • Archives of Asian Art
  • Gesta
  • African Arts
  • Critical Interventions
  • Nka
  • Panorama

About full-text access

Get it! 

Through its database subscriptions, Olin Library has full text access to a great many articles. In many cases, a link to an HTML or PDF version will appear in database search results.  

IF full text is NOT available in the current database, you can click on the Get It button.  This button will check other databases, let you know if the library has the article available online or in print, or allow you to request an article using Interlibrary Loan.

You can also use the box below to login to the Interlibrary Loan system.

Rollins Interlibrary Loan

FoxID Login

First Time Users

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Journals in your field


Multidisciplinary Databases

Specialized Databases

Google Scholar Search

Google Scholar Search

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Stop at the research help desk on the first floor of the Olin Library

Call the research help desk at (407) 646-250

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