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The Olin Library is undergoing construction for exterior maintenance. During this time, both the main entrance and ADA ramp will remain open. All other entrances and exits will be closed and the parking lot directly behind will be offline. The expected project completion is in spring 2025.

What can I request?

Although ILL loans are usually books, the category is very broad and can include:

  1. Articles
  2. Microfilm
  3. DVDs & VHS Tapes
  4. CDs
  5. And more!

Items that are difficult to borrow include:

  1. Rare books (these are often non-circulating items)
  2. Art books (often housed in art museums who typically don't supply)
  3. Articles only released on the web

Items that cannot be borrowed include:

  1. Ebooks
  2. Software
  3. Items that are only streamed (we cannot borrow another institutions' access)

Please Note

Borrowing of materials from international libraries will be considered on a case-by-case basis. We cannot guarantee we can get an item for you, but we will try our best. The more popular an item is, the longer it will take to receive

Can I renew my items?

Most lending libraries allow one renewal during the check out period. Since we are borrowing these items from other libraries we must follow their lending due dates and renewal wishes. If you still need the item after the due date return it and another can be requested from a different library.

Some libraries do not allow renewals and you will have to return the item.

If you log into your account and click on the transaction number for the item you wish to renew, there should be a renewal link at the top of the page if the library allows renewals.

Please Note

If you are unable to return an item by the due date send an email to to notify us.

Will there be a fine?

Interlibrary loan does not have a daily overdue fine. However, most lending libraries will charge a lost item and replacement cost, all of which you will be responsible for paying, Lost item bills on average are $100.

If you cannot return the ILL item due to extenuating circumstances please email or contact the ILL office so we can work with the lending library asap.

How long will it take?

Physical items, like books, typically take 1-3 weeks, as they can be sent from libraries all over the world. The closer the lending library is the sooner we will get it. Articles usually take 1-3 business days to be emailed to you.

Items will arrive faster if you fill out the request form with all known information about the desired item, it allows us to find it and request it quickly.

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