Olin Library provides access to a large collection of books in electronic format. They vary in features (downloadable, printable chapters, and linkable) and are sometimes grouped together by subject or publisher.
To locate individual e-books, try the R-Search using these 3 steps:
Olin Library has an extensive collection of ebooks that span a wide array of academic subjects. This guide will assist you in discovering, accessing, and downloading digital content.
eBooks enable:
Guidelines for downloading and printing vary by publisher. Note: Kindle devices and the Kindle app are not supported at this time, and we do not purchase Kindle ebooks.
Research tip: ebooks have the advantages of electronic formats including linked Table of Contents and searchable text. You can search for your keywords using "control F" or the search box for the book and get a good sense of the content as it relates to your research interests.
Sage Research Methods supports research at all levels by providing material to guide users through every step of the research process.