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The library is undergoing construction for exterior maintenance with an expected project completion in spring 2025. During this time, only the main entrance and ADA ramp will remain open.
The library will be closing at March 10 – 14 and at 7p.m. March 15 for Spring Break. We will resume normal operating hours Sunday, March 16.


Your home base for economics research at Rollins

Find Articles

Scholarly journal articles (aka peer-reviewed or academic journal articles) are your major source of information for assignments in economics. You can find economic ideas in lots of different places, and the resources below will help you get where you need to go.

Use the Find Articles Search Bar to do a general search of our entire collection. It's the same as the R-Search from the Olin Library homepage. 

The Finding Journals box will help you if your professor asks you to find a specific academic journal. For example, if your assignment is to read an article from the journal Feminist Economics, type in thtat exact journal itle to find it.

Find Articles Search Bar

Finding Journals


What are these sources?

These online resource sprovide the full text or citations for journal articles, economic reports, and other resources relevant to economics. These resources can provide a jumping-off point for further research via Olin's databases. 

More extensive studies of specific topics can be found using the online catalog search bar.

General Databases

These multidisciplinary databases, available both on and off-campus to Rollins students, are particularly recommended for finding articles concentrating in economics.

Subject-Specific Databases

These specialized databases provide the full text or citations for journal articles and other publications relevant to economics.