Welcome to the library guide for From Sputnik to Space Force: Science Education, Philosophy, and Research from 1950 to 2020! I'll be working with you all semester to find and understand the best resources possible for your papers.
The best way to reach me outside of class is to schedule a research consultation. Click on "Library Research Consultation," then sign into your Foxlink account to book a time. I'm looking forward to working with you!
Primary sources are first-hand accounts from a time period in history. Many types of government information are primary sources, which are important for this course. Some of these include:
Secondary sources are sources that are published after an event has already occurred. Many, but by no means all, books and journal articles fall into this category.
Sometimes a source can be both primary and secondary. For example, the Mueller Report is a secondary source, because it is describing events secondhand. Yet it is primary as well, because it will be an important firsthand account of politics during Donald Trump's presidency.
You can use secondary sources to find primary sources. Books, articles, and reports are a great way to do this. Take a look at footnotes or parenthetical references to get started.