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Physical Education

Find Books

Olin Library has a strong collection of education books, both in print and electronically (eBooks).

Every print book in the library is assigned a call number. This is a series of letters and numbers that help us know where to shelve a book. These can typically be found on the spine of a book, although sometimes they are on the cover if the spine is too thin. The call numbers will all start with one or two letters, these relate to the broad subject of the book. The numbers help us narrow down the topic. At the bottom of this page you'll find a table to help you navigate print books about international affairs. If you need help finding a book on the shelf, stop by the Circulation Desk on the 2nd (main) floor and someone will be happy to go with you. 

Use the links in the Find More Books section to find more print and eBooks on topics related to Education. 

Looking for Reference Resources? Use the link under the Find Books tab at the top to learn more about these valuable research tools. 

Olin and beyond



Photo courtesy of Scott Cook.

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Access to the collections of millions of titles in more than 9,000 libraries around the world. These days, WorldCat includes more thsan just books, so if you are interested in books only, limit your search to just books.

Use interlibrary loan to request the books you find in other libraries.

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Research Tip

You might notice that the print books highlighted here have a call number that starts with LB or LC. This is the area of the library where you will find books covering Education. In the Olin Library it's on the 3rd floor (one flight up from the Main Floor where you enter). Turn left when you reach the 3rd floor and look for the L's on the book spines. 


Call Number Starts With Topic Covered
L Education (General)
LA History of education
LB Theory and practice of education
LC Special aspects of education
LD Individual institutions - United States
LE Individual institutions - America (except United States)
LF Individual institutions - Europe
LG Individual institutions - Asia, Africa, Indian Ocean islands, Australia, New Zealand, Pacific islands
LH College and school magazines and papers
LJ Student fraternities and socieites, United States
LT Textbooks


Your Librarian

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Elizabeth Fairall
Olin 109
(407) 646-2148