The majority of Art & Art History books are stored on the 3rd and 4th floors. Oversize books can be found on the 1st floor. Books are arranged by subject within these sections:
AM Museums/Museology
GT Costume, Dress, Fashion
N Visual Arts (General)
NA Architecture
NB Sculpture
NC Drawing, Illustration
ND Painting
NE Print Media
NK Decorative Arts, Design
NX Arts in General
TR Photography
TS Industrial Design, Product Design
TT Crafts and Fashion
Z Book Arts,Typography
Find items beyond Olin's collection in libraries near you with, then submit an Interlibrary Loan request for the needed materials:
You can also search millions of books, magazines, and newspapers digitized through the Google Books project. Levels of access depend on copyright status and publisher permissions--so you may find a citation, snippet, limited view, or full text. Best used for electronic access to books in the public domain (i.e., works published before 1924).
To find exhibition catalogues for individual artists, include the word exhibition with the name of the artist. For example:
Calle exhibition
"Sophie Calle" exhibition
This is key: Be sure to use "exhibition" and not "exhibit."
You can check out print copies (linked below) or access the Art for Rollins exhibition catalogs online for free HERE.