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ART 110: 2D Foundations - Studio Art

This assignment guide will help students in the Studio Art: 2D Foundations class with their artist research paper.

Finding Information About Your Artist Online

Social Media

If you are researching a contemporary artist, they likely have a curated website and social media presence. [Examples below.]

These are great places to START when investigating the background and practices of your artist. They often link to interviews, demo videos, or written works they've authored.

BUT in order to get a sense of the artist's impact and to understand how their work is interpreted and received, you MUST also remember to find sources that offer the perspectives of art critics and/or the larger (academic) art community. 

JSTOR Art Images


NEW! JSTOR Art Images

Browse JSTOR's image collection of over 2 million rights-cleared art works and other artifacts from museums and heritage sites around the world. 

[Note: Did you like using Artstor? Good! Artstor is now JSTOR Art Images!]

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