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Begin Your Research

Your Librarian

Your librarians here at the library are available to meet and discuss any research questions and share the myriad of resources available to you through the library. They are available by chat, email, in-person/virtual research appointments, or through drop-in office hours.

Meet with Your Librarian
Book a research consultation →

Begin Your Writing Process

Your Peer Tutors

The Tutoring & Writing Center provides all students in the Rollins community with access to responsive peer educators and resources that support their development as effective, independent learners. Our peer tutors are dedicated to helping you learn and achieve your academic goals.

Meet with A Peer Tutor
Schedule an Appointment →

Let's get you where you want to go

Ask Us

Live chat with a library employee at any point during the day

Meet with Your Librarian

For research and resource use consultations

Meet with a Tutor

For academic skills and writing support consultations