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RFLA 300: Global Sustainable Development

This course will be conducted as a research seminar into the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals which address the most challenging issues of our times.


The UN's Sustainable Development portal has a wide variety of information. However, several sections of the website will be especially useful to you:

  • The 17 goals
    • The goals themselves. Key pieces of information are:
      • Targets: Sub-goals ("End all forms of discrimination against all women and goals everywhere")
      • Indicators: How to measure success ("Whether or not legal frameworks are in place"
      • Progress and Info: Gives a high-level summary of efforts to meet this SDG
  • Key Topics
    • Pick a topic, and see which SDGs are associated with it.
    • Example: "Small Island Developing States" has nine SDGs associated with it, including improving the world's oceans and countering climate change
    • Please keep in mind that the SDG and the topic are highly related but not identical. For example, the topic of poverty eradication has "Eradicate poverty" as its associated SDG

Interdisciplinary Resources

These are general resources that will be useful to most people for more topics.

Subject-Specific Resources

These resources are often useful for researching a specific goal. For example, GreenFILE would be useful for goals related to climate change and life in the oceans. If you have questions about which resources would work best for your topic, please contact Blake.