Available in print at the library.
APA (American Psychological Association) style is the most commonly used citation style in business, economics, social entrepreneurship, and related disciplines. However, please check with your instructor for their preferred citation style before using APA style in your own work. Below are some resources to get you started with APA style.
Zotero is a free reference management software that allows you to collect, organize and cite your references with ease. The best feature of Zotero is its integration with Word (and other word processors), it creates the reference list in the style of your choice.
To use Zotero, follow the instructions at https://www.zotero.org/ to download and install Zotero and the browser plug-in of your choice. Then watch the videos below to get started using Zotero. Zotero automatically downloads a plug-in that will cooperate with your word processor. If this doesn't happen, you may need to do it manually. The help documentation and download instructions are here: https://www.zotero.org/support/word_processor_plugin_installation
If you need help please reach out to the library.
This is the super-streamlined version. All it does is create one bibliography record for you. No learning curve, no downloading hassles, but no fancy stuff, either.
Schedule a personal Zotero or research consultation at https://rollins.libcal.com/appointments/terri or drop in during open hours.