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COM 355: Global Health Communication
This guide was created to assist students in COM 355: Global Health Communication.
This is your source for statistical data for nearly every country around the world. In addition to statistics, historical, economic, and political conditions are available
The World Bank Open Data project provides easy-to-use access to a variety of development indicators (e.g., poverty, education). They have more advanced datasets as well, but this is the best place to start for new researchers.
*** Rollins Login Required *** Includes the full text of papers and briefs and some access to journal articles, books, foundation-funded research projects, and proceedings from conferences.
These statistics cover: population and migration, economic trends, economic globalization, prices, energy, labor, science and technology, environment, education, public finance, quality of life, and inequality.
Use the "Health Topics," "Countries," and "Data" tabs to locate background information.
Selected sites and reference books for getting background information on global health topics.
Olin Librarians are available to help with any questions!