Not all websites are reputable. You must be certain you are using only reputable sources for your assignment. The websites below are likely to contain acceptable information. This is not an exhaustive list of all acceptable websites, but should you choose to use a website outside of this list, you should think very carefully about whether or not it contains reputable information. When in doubt, ask.
These databases are specific to environmental studies or at least to the sciences in general. Here you will find popular articles as well as scholarly, peer-reviewed publications on a wide range of topics in environmental studies and other scientific disciplines.
Academic Search Ultimate offers an extensive collection of peer-reviewed journals, magazines, reports, books, and videos covering various subjects like astronomy, engineering, health, law, mathematics, and more. It's a comprehensive resource for scholars in many fields.
Covers articles examining human impact on the environment. with indexing, abstracts, and some Open Access full text.
Olin Library subscribes to many journals, magazines, and news sources that can help you in your research. The list below is not exhaustive, but any of these sources would be good places to start looking for articles.
Comprehensive, timely articles and legendary photos documenting life on our planet any beyond. The National Geographic Archive offers full-color and full-text coverage of each issue of the magazine from 1888-current.
Learn how to create/renew an account. Once your account is set up, you can login in to access the full online content in the upper right for a year until it expires, as well as podcast episodes. Access is unlimited full-text from 1851-1923 and from 1981-present, with limited access from 1923-1980; the search button is at the upper left of the page.
Accounts need to be reactivated annually.