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The Olin Library is undergoing construction for exterior maintenance. During this time, both the main entrance and ADA ramp will remain open. All other entrances and exits will be closed and the parking lot directly behind will be offline. The expected project completion is in spring 2025.


Departmental guide for Biological Sciences (biology, marine biology, and biochemistry/molecular biology) at Rollins. Includes links to guides for specific courses under the Course Guides tab.

Other Research Guides

Finding datasets is actually a common task in many disciplines. Some useful, topically relevant sites are provided in the box to the right, but if you would like additional guidance or resources related to this task, you may want to check out the research guides below.

Finding Datasets

Some journal articles include datasets among their supplementary material. Such articles can be found in various databases, including PubMed and Statistical Insights. An especially useful repository to check is Dryad. Additionally, many government agencies and other instutions publish data online. The databases and websites below are all places that might have useful datasets. Keep in mind data files may be in a variety of formats. Some will be Excel, Word, or PDF, but many may require special software in order to be opened.