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The library is undergoing construction for exterior maintenance with an expected project completion in spring 2025. During this time, only the main entrance and ADA ramp will remain open.

Searching the Archives

Preserving the history and legacy of Rollins College, Winter Park, and the Central Florida community.

Searching for Archival and Special Collection Materials

We have multiple ways to search through archives and special collection materials. We recommend searching using keywords in the following areas (as in, only search with the most important keywords).

  1. Archives @ Rollins College (ARC) 
    • ARC is a database of finding aids, which are descriptive guides for archival collections held in the College Archives & Special Collections at Rollins.  Finding aids describe the scope and contents of a collection, and may have box and folder inventories of collection contents that help researchers find information in manuscripts or archival collections and include information on the origin, extent, dates, contents, and subjects for the collections.
  2. Olin Library Catalog
    • The Olin Library Catalog also searches all special collections & selective college publication records.
    • After searching for your materials, you’ll need to filter the list on the left "Tweak my results" menu. If Archives & Special Collections has materials that fit your keywords, you can filter the results to find only the materials from the College Archives by clicking links under the "Locations" tab such as:
      • Archives – Special Collection
      • Archives – Rollins Collection
      • Archives – Special Florida Collection
      • Archives – Rare Books
      • Archives – Special Whitman Collection
      • Archives – Hamilton Holt Collection
      • Archives – Honor Theses
      • Archives – Woolson Collection
  3. Rollins Scholarship Online (RSO)
  4. Rollins Digital Collections
  5. Rollins Web Archives
    • Rollins Web Archives documents the historic web presence of the College to ensure that an accurate record of College operations, activities, and communications is preserved and accessible well into the future. In addition to College websites and pages, it selectively captures web content that complements the Special Collections.  Search the Web Archives for College catalogues and course schedulesdepartmental websites, and campus publications.

Visiting the College Archives

Please contact the Archives & Special Collections in advance to request materials and/or to schedule a research appointment.

Collections are non-circulating and must be used in the Archives' public reading room under staff supervision. Researchers will be asked to register online, and need to provide a current government or academic-issued photo ID when visiting in person.

Creating Rollins History Together

Ask the Archives

For inquiries about donations, material use or requests

Preserve Scholarly Work

To add to our digital collection of Rollins scholarship

Share College Records

To document the development and growth of the College