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AI Guide

Developing Your AI Policy

The following is part of the required statement on the Academic Honor Code. For the complete statement, see the collection of required statements on the Dean of Faculty Canvas site.

Responsible Use of AI

Every assignment at Rollins is a unique rhetorical situation, and the expectations of your professors will vary from course to course, including their rules about the responsible use of AI writing programs and assistants. Unless your professor has approved the use of these programs for a specific assignment, presenting AI-generated work as your own is considered Unauthorized Collaboration and a violation of the Academic Honor Code.

Note: Professors may use this statement or alter it to fit the needs of their individual courses; however, every syllabus should include an AI statement. In addition, instructors are strongly encouraged to specify the expectations about the use of AI on individual assignments as well, similar to the guidance they provide about other forms of collaboration.

"Creating Guidance for Students on Using AI in Your Assignments”: a helpful tool for creating your own green, yellow, and red indicators to clearly communicate your AI guidelines on an assignment (See sample in image below.)