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Mendeley Tutorials

Video tutorials for downloading and using Mendeley.

What are Groups?

What makes Mendeley different from other citation management systems is that Mendeley has a social networking aspect to it. If you log into Mendeley online, you will see that at the top of the page you are brought to there are several options:

Mendeley navigation

Groups and Search are the most directly related to Mendeley's social networking abilities. You can add people to your Mendeley network like you can add friends on Facebook. You can also create groups and share citations with group members. There are three types of groups:

Group types

When you create a new group, which you can do online or from Mendeley Desktop, the dialog box above appears and asks you to select the type of group you want to create. It includes nice summaries of the differences between them. Note that private groups are the only ones where you will be able to share attached files (i.e., full text of articles) with group members. If you have a free Mendeley account and have not paid for any upgrades, you are allowed to create 1 private group with a maximum of 3 members.

See the related tutorials on the right-hand side of this page for more information about groups.

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