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Mendeley Tutorials

Video tutorials for downloading and using Mendeley.

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Using the Mendeley Web Importer

Downloading Citation from Library Search

PLEASE NOTE: If you are using Version 1.16.1 of Mendeley Desktop, the steps in the video above will not work for you. This is a known bug with that version. To fix the problem, update to a newer version of Mendeley. The first post-1.16.1 version without the bug is 1.16.2-dev3. You will need to Opt-in to experimental releases on Mendeley Desktop to download that version. If you have trouble with this, please ask your librarian for assistance.

Attaching PDFs to Citations in Mendeley

Related Tutorials on and YouTube

Quick Tip on Duplicates

If you've been using Mendeley for a while, it's almost inevitable you will at some point add a citation that you already have in your Mendeley library. See the relevant links in the box above for ways to merge these duplicate citations. This is a nice feature, but be very attentive when doing this! Let's say you have two articles that are similar - maybe same author, same journal, same publication year - but are in fact distinct. Mendeley may think that these separate entries are for the same article and suggest you merge them. Don't! Once you merge two citations, there is no way to un-merge them. You will have to download them to your library again.