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ICE 100: Digital Media Critical Practice: Find Articles in Databases

Resources and help for students of Dawn Roe's ICE 100: Digital Media Critical Practice

What are these sources?

In addition to books and exhibition catalogs you may want to find articlesreviews, or book chapters about the artist you choose to research. This page lists some databases that can help you.

And don't forget, InterLibrary Loan can also get you digital copies of articles, reviews, or book chapters that we might not have in our own library's collection. You can login below or, if you've never used InterLibrary Loan, you can set up an account by cilcking "First Time Users."

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Article Databases

These databases at the top of the list are going to be your best resources for finding PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES. 

PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES -- these are articles from peer reviewed journals which are written by experts and reviewed by several other experts in the field before being published. In most cases the reviewers do not know who the author of the article is, so the article succeeds or fails in the publication process on its own merit, not the reputation of the expert. This critical publication process ensures that articles from peer reviewed journals are vetted, reliable, quality resources for researchers.

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This search box lets you search EVERYTHING the Olin Library has to offer!

[If you're interested in just articles, select the "Articles" tab at the top of the search results page.]

Find a Journal


This search box will help you find journal titles in your field of interest.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar has all the power (and problems) of Google, but only searches the educational materials in Google. There are diamonds amongst the dirt out there, so it is worth searching. But don't be surprised if the fulltext is not available and you are asked to pay for content. DON'T PAY FOR CONTENT, we can get it for you free via Interlibrary Loan.

Google Scholar Search