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The Olin Library is undergoing construction for exterior maintenance. During this time, both the main entrance and ADA ramp will remain open. All other entrances and exits will be closed and the parking lot directly behind will be offline. The expected project completion is in spring 2025.

HIS 375.1: Aspects of War: The Civil War and Reconstruction: Primary Sources

What are these sources?

This page recommends collections of sources likely to be of particular use for HIS 375.1 Aspects of War: The Civil War and Reconstruction. There are many such collections available freely on the Web. In general, it's better to look initially for a broad category (e.g. Florida history primary sources) than for a specific name or event. Once you've located a useful collection using Google or another search engine, you can use that site's search tools to locate more specific information.

Newspaper Databases

Sources in U.S. History on the Web

Primary Sources in Reference Books


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Bill Svitavsky
Olin 236
(407) 646-2679